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Kundalini Reiki Master Intensive Class

Kundalini Reiki Master Intensive Class 

I am listed in The Kundalini Reiki Directory


Kundalini Reiki is a combination of Kundalini energy and Reiki that work together to connect to a very powerful energy frequency. It's purpose is to provide healing, spiritual evolution and assists in one's journey towards enlightenment.


Pre-requisite: Students must be a Usui Reiki Master Teacher to learn Kundalini  Reiki.


Kundalini Level I

This level 1 attunement is equal to Usui Reiki Levels 1, 2, and 3 attunements.

The attunements in this level will open the channels allowing the Reiki energy to flow, removing blocks in all but the root chakra. The heart and crown chakras are strengthened. This will also prepare you for the Kundalini awakening in the Level II attunements.


Kundalini Level II

The level II attunement strengthens the channels further and the Kundalini fire is lit for a gentle awakening. This prepares for a full Kundalini awakening in Level III or Master level.


Kundalini Level III (Master)

The previous attunements are strengthened as well as the throat, solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. You will learn to attune others and objects to Kundalini Reiki. A full Kundalini rising occurs, reaching the crown chakra.


You will receive these additional attunements: Balance, Diamond, Crystalline, DNA, Birth Trauma Clearing, Location Reiki and Past Life Reiki


After completing the Kundalini Master Intensive Class, you will be able to teach and attune others to Kundalini Reiki using Kundalini Reiki manuals and certificates from The Kundalini Reiki Centre.


Kundalini Master Intensive Class  (Levels 1, 2 and Master) $575.00. 


Next class is Saturday October 5th, Monday October 7th and Thursday October 17th all days 9:30 am - 3:00 pm all days 9:30am-3:00pm. 3 openings available.


Please contact Susan for more information.

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