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Axiatonal Alignment Class

Axiatonal Alignment is an energy healing treatment that uses sacred geometry to open blocked meridians, assists us to reconnect to our source and is an initiation into Divine Awareness.

It also allows the free flow of energies that have been trapped in our beings and restrict our movement forward.

These Axiatonal Lines are throughout the universe, galaxies, solar system, our planet and our bodies. Axiatonal lines are mentioned in the Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch.

Axiatonal Alignment is a treatment which involves three passes down the body. During each pass the practitioner will lightly touch the client at specific points on their body. These points, when put together, will trace out forms of sacred geometry.

You will receive an anointment (attunement) on your middle finger or fire finger, to facilitate the flow of Axiatonal Energy.

You will learn how to do Axiatonal Alignment on yourself and have lots of practice time with the others in class. It can also be used with pets and animals.

Axiatonal Alignment is a perfect addition to a Reiki or other healing session and takes that modality to a deeper level. You do not need to be a Reiki Practitioner to take this class.


This is a one day class. No Prerequisite


Maximum 4 people.


You will be able to practice Axiatonal Alignment and teach this class after lots of practice


Cost is $144.00 Manual, information to print for students and certificate of completion included. For more information please contact Susan Rouse 905-376-2266 or

Next Axiatonal Alignment class is on Monday June 10th 9:30am-3:00pm.

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